
I am at heart a political economist. My research varies from the role of philosophy and rhetoric in economic thought to issues of public policy and welfare, especially that of basic income and similar income maintenance programs.

Much of my work has also been around the role of virtue and ethics in both economics and in the economic profession.


Teather-Posadas, Edward R. 2023. "Taking the Parallax View: Žižek, Karatani, Lacan, and the Plurality of Economic Thought," Rethinking Marxism: 35(2)

Teather-Posadas, Edward R. 2021. “To Thrive In These Times: Capabilities, Negativity, and the Pandemic,” International Journal of Žižek Studies: 15(1)

Ziliak, Stephen T. and Edward R. Teather-Posadas. 2019. “The Making of An Ethical Econometrician.” In Wilfred Dolfsma and Ioana Negru (eds.), The Ethical Formation of Economists. New York: Routledge, 114-131.

Pena, Anita A. and Edward R. Teather-Posadas. 2018. “Field Sanitation in U.S. Agriculture: Evidence from NAWS and Future Data Needs.” Journal of Agromedicine: 23(2): 123-133

Ziliak, Stephen T. and Edward R. Teather-Posadas. 2016. “The Unprincipled Randomization Principle in Economics and Medicine.” In George F. DeMartino and Deirdre N. McCloskey (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Professional Economics Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press, 423-452.

Media Mentions

The Nobel committee has lost touch with actual science.” Deirdre McCloskey. The Washington Times. Oct. 21, 2019.


Study: Sanitary Conditions on US Farms Improving, May Curb Foodborne Illness.” Esther Honig. Harvest Public Media. Sept. 19, 2018.


The random risk of randomized trials.” Tim Hartford. Financial Times. April 25, 2014.


The Economics of Randomization.” Casey Mulligan. The New York Times Blog. March 5, 2014.

Working Papers

With Alexandra Bernasek, Anders Fremstad, and Stephen Ziliak. “When the Experiment Ends: Reassessing the Seattle/Denver Income Maintenance Experiments (1970-1976)” (2022)

With Alexandra Bernasek. "The Status of Women in the NIT Experiments" (2022)

"Negative Capabilities: Beyond Sen and Knight" (2022)

"Universally Basic: An Ethical Case for Universal Basic Income" (2017)

With Stephen Ziliak. "Coasebusters: Ethics, Justice, and the Theory of the Firm" (2017)